Infants and kids undergo teething and losing of teeth process wherein they lose baby teeth so that permanent teeth can make their space. Children start to lose their teeth between the age of 4 to 7 years. Although the time period to lose the teeth is different; however, it is important to book a Woodbridge periodontist. As a new parent, you may panic when your child’s teeth come out. This article highlights some major things you must do when your child loses their baby teeth. Here we go!
Things to do if your child loses baby teeth
1. Do not pull out!
Every child loses their baby teeth at a particular time. Therefore, there is no reason to pull out your teeth harshly to make way for adult teeth. At times, your baby’s teeth lose up; however, it’s not a perfect time to leave your child’s mouth. In such a situation, any pulling may cause pain and damage. If they bleed or feel immense pain, visit a nearby dentist.
2. Dispel fears of pain
Most children and parents think about the pain experienced while losing baby teeth. In reality, your child will experience zero amount of pain as your teeth will naturally fall without causing any pain or discomfort. If the child is afraid to pull the teeth when it’s ready to fall, take them to a dentist for a more comfortable experience.
3. Follow a dental hygiene routine
Another important thing that kids must focus on is following a comprehensive dental hygiene routine. Since your baby’s adult teeth will start to come from now onwards, it is important to brush and floss regularly to keep germs and bacteria away. Right after losing teeth, avoid brushing as the area is sensitive.
4. Gaps are normal
Missing teeth hamper your child’s confidence as it creates unwanted gaps between your teeth. However, it is completely normal that every child goes through. However, these gaps are temporary. Once the adult teeth appear, it becomes a smooth surface of your child. In case there are misaligned teeth, consult a dentist for cosmetic treatments like clear aligners and more.
5. Have tropical anesthesia
Certain kids have anxiety about pain; therefore, it becomes difficult for them to pull out their teeth. That’s when tropical anesthesia could work, as it numbs the space and provides pain relief.
Wrapping Up
Losing your baby’s teeth is a completely natural process. By doing these top things, you can simplify this experience for your little one!